My research focuses on information ethics and policy issues associated with educational data mining and learning analytics practices in higher education.
Qualitative methods often influence my research designs. I primarily use interviews and documents as data. Grounded Theory techniques and content analysis inform my analytical strategies. When my work is more critical and normative, I use information privacy theory (e.g., work by Richards, Nissenbaum, and others) and critical data studies to frame my approach.
The following questions guide most of my research:
- How do learning analytics intersect with and affect student privacy?
- How are micro-contextual professional communities (e.g., advisors) impacted by learning analytics initiatives?
- What are the structural and governance effects emerging from learning analytics and other “big data” style initiatives?

Google Scholar profile citations updated 2024-01-15.
The publications below reflect a select assortment of work related to recent projects. For a history of my research, see my CV.
Select Publications
Jones, K. M. L., VanScoy, A., Harding, A., & Martin, A. (2024). Changing student privacy responsibilities and governance needs: Views from faculty, instructional designers, and academic librarians. Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
Jones, K. M. L., VanScoy, A., Bright, K., Harding, A., & Vedak, S. (2022). A measurement of faculty views on the meaning and value of student privacy. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 34, 769–789.
Jones, K. M. L. (2022). The datafied student: Why students’ data privacy matters and the responsibility to protect it. Future of Privacy Forum.
Jones, K. M. L. (2021). Library learning analytics: Addressing the relationship between professional, research, and publication ethics. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 21(3), 417–423.
Jones, K. M. L., & McCoy, C. (2021). Privacy in practice: A socio-technical integration research (STIR) study of rules-in-use within institutional research. In M. R. Sanfilippo, B. M. Frischmann, & K. J. Strandburg (Eds.), Governing Privacy in Knowledge Commons (pp. 98–120). Cambridge University Press.
Jones, K. M. L., & Hinchliffe, L. J. (2020). New methods, new needs: Preparing academic library practitioners to address ethical issues associated with learning analytics. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).
Jones, K. M. L., Asher, A., Goben, A., Perry, M. R., Salo, D., Briney, K. A., & Robertshaw, M. B. (2020). “We’re being tracked at all times”: Student perspectives of their privacy in relation to learning analytics in higher education. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71(9), 1044–1059.
Jones, K. M. L., Rubel, A., & LeClere, E. (2020). A matter of trust: Higher education institutions as information fiduciaries in an age of educational data mining and learning analytics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71(10), 1227–1241.
Rubel, A., & Jones, K. M. L. (2020). The temptation of data-enabled surveillance: Are universities the next cautionary tale? Communications of the ACM, 63(4), 22–24.
Jones, K. M. L., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Salo, D., Asher, A., & Perry, M. R. (2020). A comprehensive primer to library learning analytics practices, initiatives, and privacy issues. College & Research Libraries, 81(3), 570–591.
Jones, K. M. L. (2019). “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”: Practitioner perceptions of learning analytics ethics. Portal: Libraries & the Academy, 19(3), 407–428.
Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Goben, A., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Robertshaw, M. B., & Salo, D. (2019). “In their own words: student perspectives on privacy and library participation in learning analytics initiatives.” In D. Mueller (Ed.), Recasting the Narrative: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2019 Conference. ACRL.
Jones, K. M. L. (2019). Advising the whole student: eAdvising analytics and the contextual suppression of advisor values. Education and Information Technologies, 24(1), 437–458.
Jones, K. M. L. (2019). Learning analytics and higher education: A proposed model for establishing informed consent mechanisms to promote student privacy and autonomy. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16(1), 1–22.
Jones, K. M. L., & McCoy, C. (2019). Ethics in praxis: Socio-technical integration research in learning analytics. Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference.
Jones, K. M. L., & McCoy, C. (2019). Reconsidering data in learning analytics: Opportunities for critical research using a documentation studies framework. Learning, Media and Technology, 44(1), 52–63.
Jones, K. M. L., & VanScoy, A. (2019). The syllabus as a student privacy document in an age of learning analytics. Journal of Documentation, 75(6), 1333–1355.
Jones, K. M. L. (Ed.). (2019). Learning analytics and the academic library: Critical questions about real and possible futures. Library Trends, 68(1), 1–4.
Jones, K. M. L., & Salo, D. (2018). Learning analytics and the academic library: Professional ethics commitments at a crossroads. College & Research Libraries, 79(3), 304–323.
Jones, K. M. L., & LeClere, E. (2018). Contextual expectations and emerging informational harms: A primer on academic library participation in learning analytics initiatives. In P. Fernandez & K. Tilton (Eds.), Applying library values to emerging technology: Decision-making in the age of open access, maker spaces, and the ever-changing library (pp. 357–371). Association of College and Research Libraries.
Rubel, A., & Jones, K. M. L. (2016). Student privacy in learning analytics: An information ethics perspective. The Information Society, 32(2), 143–159.
Jones, K. M. L., & Hinchliffe, L. J. (forthcoming). Preparing academic librarians to prioritize privacy in learning analytics projects: An evaluation of a professional development course. College & Research Libraries.