Ongoing Projects
EdTech Governance
I’m conducting multiple collaborative sub-projects focused on the governance of educational technologies and related data practices (e.g., access, storage, use, analytics, etc.).
Started: January 2023
Funding: Currently applying for funding
Ended: Ongoing
Information: Project page
Completed Projects
Data Doubles
Data Doubles was a student-centered research agenda focused on student perspectives of privacy issues associated with university and academic library participation in learning analytics (LA) initiatives.
Started: May 2018
Funding: IMLS: $514,484
Ended: August 2022
Information: Project page
The Datafied Classroom
The Datafied Classroom was a research project that investigated faculty perspectives of student privacy and their practices concerning emerging learning analytics tools and initiatives.
Started: September 2019
Funding: IMLS: $306,682
Ended: May 2023
Information: Project page
Prioritizing Privacy
Prioritizing Privacy was a continuing education program that trained academic library practitioners to comprehensively address privacy and other related ethical implications of learning analytics projects.
Started: September 2019
Funding: IMLS: $249,198
Ended: May 2023
Information: Project page