Data Doubles

Data Doubles was a student-centered research agenda focused on student perspectives of privacy issues associated with university and academic library participation in learning analytics (LA) initiatives. The collaborative team consisted of scholars and practitioner experts at eight American higher education institutions. Three phases structured this project. The first used a semi-structured interview method, the second a multi-institutional survey, and the third and final phase used scenario-based focus groups. This project was funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.


  • $514,484


  • Started: May 2018
  • Ended: August 2022



Jones, K. M. L., Goben, A., Perry, M. R., Regalado, M., Salo, D., Asher, A., Smale, M. A., & Briney, K. A. (2023). Transparency and consent: Student perspectives on educational data analytics scenarios. Portal: Libraries & the Academy.
Perry, M. R., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Regalado, M., Goben, A., Smale, M. A., Salo, D., & Jones, K. M. L. (2023). Understanding student perspectives on learning analytics to enable privacy advocacy and policy design. In S. Hartman- Calvery & A. Chisholm (Eds.), Practicing privacy literacy in academic libraries: theories, methods, and cases. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Briney, K. A., Goben, A., & Jones, K. M. L. (2022). Data management planning for an eight-institution, multi-year research project. International Journal of Digital Curation, 17(1), 9.
Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., & Regalado, M. (2022). “You’re on mute”: A reflective case study of conducting scenario-based online focus groups on student privacy. SAGE Research Methods Doing Research Online, 1–12.
Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Jones, K. M. L., Regalado, M., Perry, M. R., Goben, A., Smale, M. A., & Salo, D. (2022). Questions of trust: A survey of student expectations and perspectives on library learning analytics. Library Quarterly, 92(2), 151–171.
Jones, K. M. L., Asher, A., Goben, A., Perry, M. R., Salo, D., Briney, K. A., & Robertshaw, M. B. (2020). “We’re being tracked at all times”: Student perspectives of their privacy in relation to learning analytics in higher education. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71(9), 1044–1059.
Jones, K. M. L., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Salo, D., Asher, A., & Perry, M. R. (2020). A comprehensive primer to library learning analytics practices, initiatives, and privacy issues. College & Research Libraries, 81(3), 570–591.
Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Goben, A., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Robertshaw, M. B., & Salo, D. (2019). “In their own words: student perspectives on privacy and library participation in learning analytics initiatives.” In D. Mueller (Ed.), Recasting the Narrative: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2019 Conference. ACRL.


Perry, M. R., Jones, K. M. L., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Regalado, M., Salo, D., & Smale, M. (2020, June). Trust and privacy: Student perspectives of their privacy in relation to learning analytics in higher education. Annual Meeting of the American Library Association, Chicago, IL, USA. (Conference canceled).
Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Regalado, M., Salo, D., & Smale, M. (2020, May). Data doubles: Student perspectives on privacy, libraries, and learning analytics. 12th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Asher, A., Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Regalado, M., Salo, D., & Smale, M. (2020, March). Connecting students to their data: Data doubles and the student voice in library learning analytics. Research Data Access Preservation Summit, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Asher, A., Perry, M. R., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Jones, K. M. L., Regalado, M., Salo, D., & Smale, M. (2019, December). Data Doubles: Student perceptions of privacy and learning analytics in higher education. Fall Meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information, Washington, DC, USA.
Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Salo, D., & Robertshaw, M. B. (2019, June). Do students care? Student perspectives on personal data use in library learning analytics. 10th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Goben, A., Jones, K. M. L., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Perry, M. R., Robertshaw, M. B., & Salo, D. (2019, June). Setting privacy boundaries: Student perspectives of data sharing and use practices for library learning analytics. Annual Meeting of the American Library Association, Washington, DC, USA.
Goben, A., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Salo, D., & Robertshaw, M. B. (2019, May). In their own words: Student perspectives on privacy and library participation in learning analytics initiatives. Code4Lib: Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., Goben, A., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Robertshaw, M. B., & Salo, D. (2019, April). In their own words: Student perspectives on privacy and library participation in learning analytics initiatives. Annual Meeting of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Perry, M. R., Robertshaw, M. B., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Jones, K. M. L., & Salo, D. (2018, December). Library participation in learning analytics initiatives: Library and student perspectives. Library Assessment Conference, Houston, TX, USA.
Goben, A., Perry, M. R., Asher, A., Briney, K. A., Jones, K. M. L., Robertshaw, M. B., & Salo, D. (2018, October). Library participation in learning analytics initiatives: Library and student perspectives. OCLC Americas Regional Council Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.
Briney, K. A., Goben, A., Robertshaw, M. B., Asher, A., Jones, K. M. L., Perry, M. R., & Salo, D. (2018, June). Libraries and learning analytics: Identifying the issues. Annual Meeting of the American Library Association, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Briney, K. A., Jones, K. M. L., Asher, A., Goben, A., Perry, M. R., Robertshaw, M. B., & Salo, D. (2018, May). Learning analytics & academic libraries. Library Values and Privacy in our National Digital Strategies Summit, New York, NY, USA.