
Ongoing Projects

Qualitative Research and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, especially generative AI (GenAI), presents new opportunities for creating, analyzing, and verifying qualitatively-based data. However, methodological, ethical, technological, and other issues (e.g., publishing rules) are real concerns needing of new insights and recommendations. I’m working on scoping reviews and conceptual papers in this area.

Started: August 2024

Funding: Not seeking funding

Ended: Ongoing

Information: Project page

EdTech Governance

I’m conducting multiple collaborative sub-projects focused on the governance of educational technologies and related data practices (e.g., access, storage, use, analytics, etc.).

Started: January 2023

Funding: Currently applying for funding

Ended: Ongoing

Information: Project page

Completed Projects

Data Doubles

Data Doubles was a student-centered research agenda focused on student perspectives of privacy issues associated with university and academic library participation in learning analytics (LA) initiatives.

Started: May 2018

Funding: IMLS: $514,484

Ended: August 2022

Information: Project page

The Datafied Classroom

The Datafied Classroom was a research project that investigated faculty perspectives of student privacy and their practices concerning emerging learning analytics tools and initiatives.

Started: September 2019

Funding: IMLS: $306,682

Ended: May 2023

Information: Project page

Prioritizing Privacy

Prioritizing Privacy was a continuing education program that trained academic library practitioners to comprehensively address privacy and other related ethical implications of learning analytics projects.

Started: September 2019

Funding: IMLS: $249,198

Ended: May 2023

Information: Project page