I’m Kyle Jones, an associate professor in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University-Indianapolis. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison iSchool in 2015, an M.L.I.S. from Dominican University’s School of Information Studies in 2009, and a B.A. from Elmhurst College in 2007.
My research focuses on information ethics and policy issues associated with educational data mining and analytic practices, such as learning analytics, within American higher education institutions. My published research is accessible in top journals, like the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology; Learning, Media and Technology; Communications of the ACM; the Journal of Documentation; College & Research Libraries; and other journals. You can also find my publications on SSRN and OSF. Since 2018, I have earned $1.1 million in funding for projects. My research has been featured in national and international news outlets.
For my teaching, my online-only courses focus on sociotechnical concerns related to database design, information architecture, and information policy. I am a Quality Matters certified peer reviewer. I was the primary curriculum architect for my department’s undergraduate Applied Data and Information Science program. In 2019, I was awarded my school’s Teaching Award. In 2021, I was awarded my campus’s Trustees Teaching Award.
I am an active member of the Association of Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), where I’ve been an officer for the Information Ethics special interest group, and the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), where I was an officer for the Information and Learning Sciences special interest group. I am an associate editor for the Information and Learning Sciences journal and a member of the editorial board for the journal portal: Libraries and the Academy.
- Slides from Presentation at “Research in the Era of Generative AI” at Rutgers University
I recently presented some work on learning analytics ethics and infrastructure as it relates to AI and, specifically, AI chatbots. The presentation is titled “Data Doubles and AI Chatbots in Higher Ed:
What Learning Analytics Research Might Teach Us About Ethical Applications of AI” and is available in my OSF research repository: https://osf.io/2e5ym. - Forthcoming Article in the Journal College & Research Libraries
I have a paper forthcoming in the journal College & Research Libraries with Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe. The article is titled “Preparing academic librarians to prioritize privacy in learning analytics projects: An evaluation of a professional development course” and is available in my OSF research repository as a preprint: https://osf.io/s5hwr.
- New Article Forthcoming for College & Research Libraries News
With my collaborators on the Datafied Classroom project, we’ve had a piece accepted for College & Research Libraries News: “Student privacy in the datafied classroom: Facilitating conversations with campus stakeholders.” This writing provides an overview of the project and reflections from partners who ran our facilitated workshops. See the preprint here: https://osf.io/urypq
- New Project Page for Edtech Governance Research
I’ve been collaboratively working on a few projects focused on edtech governance. To keep track of my efforts in this area, see this new project page: https://thecorkboard.org/edtech-governance/
- On Sabbatical
I have begun my sabbatical and will return to Indiana University starting August 1st, 2024. During this time I will work on an upcoming book to be published by Cambridge University Press titled Governing EdTech in Schools and Universities. I will also be working on AI-related teaching projects.
- Forthcoming Article in the Journal of Computing in Higher Education
I have a paper forthcoming in the Journal of Computing in Higher Education with Amy VanScoy, Alison Harding, and Amy Martin. The article is titled “Changing student privacy responsibilities and governance needs: Views from faculty, instructional designers, and academic librarians” and is available in my OSF research repository as a preprint: https://osf.io/frup4.
- Interview with The Markup
My interview with The Markup‘s Tara García Mathewson has been published. Their piece, “He wanted privacy. His college gave him none,” is available at https://themarkup.org/machine-learning/2023/11/30/he-wanted-privacy-his-college-gave-him-none.
- Interview with Indianapolis Business Journal
My interview with Indianapolis Business Journal‘s Susan Orr has been published. Their piece, “Indiana colleges use analytics to try to increase retention,” is available at https://www.ibj.com/articles/indiana-colleges-use-analytics-to-try-to-increase-retention.
- Special Issue in Information and Learning Sciences
The journal Information and Learning Sciences has published the special issue I guest edited titled “The Datafication of Student Life in Higher Education: Privacy Problems and Paths Forward.” My thanks to Rebecca Reynolds (editor) for her support. Access the issue, including my introduction, here: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/2398-5348/vol/124/iss/9/10
- Featured in Inside Higher Ed
My recent invited talk at Digital Universities U.S. was featured in a piece by Inside Higher Ed‘s Doug Lederman and Susan D’Agostino. Their piece, “Academics fall for and fret about technology,” is available at https://www.insidehighered.com/news/tech-innovation/digital-teaching-learning/2023/05/05/academics-fall-and-fret-about-technology.